Monday, March 23, 2009

Vegetable Uppit

Uppit nodidha koodale helthaare..."Ohh...concrete aa??" I dont understand why ppl insult this lovely dish by calling it concrete coz it makes such a wonderfull Sunday breakfast. Easy and hassle free to prepare and tastes so yummy wen hot (don even try to eat it wen cold)

According to the wikipedia (Kavi i know u wud laugth at this word :))))...Uppit is supposed to have originated in Colonial India and was used by the British and Indians alike.I guess Indians were probably feeding actual concrete to the British calling it Uppit/Upma and thus the name..... hehe...

You guys may wonder why am posting such a common dish, but the blog is more for beginners (like me) trying to master their culinary skills than for the experienced. Also i request those of you who try any of the dishes below to send me pics. I'll post them with ur name and comments/feedbacks.Mahi i know for sure is so enthu wen i post new things and I know u make wonderful wonderful pls comment on mine!


Oil - 4 tbs (depends on how many vegetables u add)
Mustard Seeds - 1/4 tbs
Urad Dal - 1/4 tbs
Onions - 2 large (chopped..i like it cut long and thin)
Green Chilles - 2-3 (chopped)
Rava - 1 cup (roasted until brown)
Salt to taste
Water - 2 cups
Few curry leaves
Fresh coconut for garnishing.

Vegetables - All chopped into small pieces
Tomatoes - 1
Potato - 1
Beans - 4
Carrot - 2
Capsicum/Pepper - 1/2
Peas - 2 tbs ( if dry this has to be soaked overnight)


1. Heat Oil in a pan and throw mustard seeds. When they are spulterring away throw some urad dal and chopped onions and chilles.
2. Now drop of all the veggies except tomatoes. Tomatoes don take much time to cook like the others and therefore can be added later.Sprinkle some water on the veggies just dropped and close lid to let it cook. Add tomatoes a bit later and let it all saute well.
3. Once its 75% cooked (don ask me how i calulated the percentage ;-)) coz its a secret..hehe) pour water. Throw in some curry leaves and sprinke salt.
4. As as you the water boiling with bubbles on's the time to add rava. This is tricky!! If u add too much ur uppit will become hard and if u add a bit then it becomes soggy.The trick is to add just enough which kinda semi covers the veggies.
5. The mixture now begins to boil making wooshy noises so watch ur eyes and close the lid. Let is cook for say 5 mins and ur yummy upma is done!

Garnish with fresh coconut and serve super hot. Goes well with mango pickle or tomato chutney.Some people add cashewnuts as well..but i totally dislike it. When served with kesari bath the dish become Chow Chow bath :)))